
I would like to send a heartfelt greeting to Eric Carle

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I would like to send a heartfelt greeting to Eric Carle, who was my favorite children’s book author and illustrator, as we get to the close of June and approach the Fourth of July. On June 25, he celebrates his birthday. At the age of 91, he died on May 23, 2021. His vibrantly illustrated novels have captured the attention of both youngsters and adults. My two absolute favorites to read to young children, from infants on up, are “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” and “Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?” Children adore his novels’ predictable content structure.

Young children like being read stories from their favorite books using a range of storytelling approaches, as well as being given the opportunity to write their own stories. Children are encouraged to engage with Carle’s stories through interaction in his books. All of his novels are available for summer reading and enjoyment in the nearby libraries. We seniors also enjoy reading Carle’s stories. I have utilized Carle’s books as conversation starters during “Sit and Chats” with older people in assisted living and skilled care, and oh, do we all laugh and relate. For instance, “The Mixed Up Chameleon” seeks to morph and transform into everyone but himself while simultaneously doing new and different things.

What a fantastic lesson it is for us Baby Boomers and elders to learn to pace ourselves and refrain from taking on too many tasks at once. Additionally, “The Grouchy Ladybug” talks directly to seniors by emphasizing that despite the difficulties that come with aging, the ideal attitude to have is one of positivity. Both kids and grownups come to understand that every day is truly a gift from God and that it is preferable to wear a large smile and to have a grateful, joyful, and loving heart. It brings joy to both you and those around you.

The annual July 4th summer holiday celebration is rapidly approaching on Sunday.  Don’t you simply adore this time of year? No matter the culture, family, or tradition associated with the holiday, young children may learn a lot from them. For them and their families, July 4 offers a plethora of entertaining educational opportunities.

On July 4, we will be commemorating the founding of our nation in our own neighborhoods and backyards. It is crucial to recognize how many different ethnic groups came together to create the United States of America. The fact that we proclaimed our independence on July 4 is equally significant. Red, white, and blue, the colors of our flag, appear to be the focus of our Independence Day celebrations. White denotes purity, red denotes boldness, blue denotes tenacity. These three tenets form the foundation of our nation.

I’d like to share a few ideas with you in the hopes that they will make your July 4 celebration one to remember. These are easy: red and blue your youngster and Kool-Aid. Put the variously colored drinks in ice trays or pans and freeze them. On a hot day, your young child will enjoy putting red and blue ice cubes to his lips.

Red and blue Jell-O jigglers, which can be sliced into simple shapes, are another easy meal that young children like. This kid-favorite delicacy has a bouncy texture that young toddlers adore.

Simple sugar cookies can be baked, covered in white icing, and decorated with blue or red sprinkles to commemorate fun times spent together. Little ones enjoy doing this.

Additionally, making July Fourth cupcakes using fresh strawberries and blueberries from the season is a fun activity to do with your small child. Adding blueberries and strawberries to vanilla ice cream is one variation of this.

Include your small children in the July 4 picnic planning to create excitement with them. striped Styrofoam cups in various colors. Napkins can also be decorated in the same way. A simple wreath made by a small child out of white paper plates and colored and scrawled in red, white, and blue can be displayed on the door to demonstrate to visitors that your family is genuinely patriotic. Tell them about the various foods you plan to grill, cook, or purchase. Make sure food is chopped up into bite-sized pieces for toddlers, children aged two, three, four, etc. when you have young children.

On July 4, local parades are held in numerous towns and cities. Additionally, you can celebrate the Fourth of July with your family by decorating bikes, tricycles, wagons, or just by marching through the house and yard while wearing red, blue, or white streamers. Whatever you do, the most important part of the holiday is the time you spend with your child.

On July 4, be sure to protect your children from the sun by using sunscreen, hats, staying in the shade, etc. Additionally, make sure you and your family members are well-hydrated. Keep in mind that small insects can do significant damage to a child’s developing skin.

Playpens can be carried around easily as a playpen or a baby bed. When the family is celebrating, spreading out blankets or quilts allows toddlers to climb all over.

In our neighborhood, fireworks displays are frequent. Look up those times in the newspapers. Be mindful that small children are extremely sensitive to loud noises. You might want to keep your little children away from the action so they can take in the stunning display of colors without being startled by the loud booms.

Last but not least, give thanks to and pray for those who serve in the armed forces to defend our freedom. Many local households can have a member who is currently serving in the armed forces.

I hope you and your families have a fun-filled, kid-friendly July 4 as a result of these ten straightforward tips. Utilize the resources that our community has to offer.